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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

First Summit of 2014: Mount Townsend (Highway 2)

View 2014-1-4 Mount Townsend in a larger map
We arrived at an empty Barclay Lake Trailhead at 6:30 on Saturday morning. A few inches of snow had been rutted out for the last mile of the road. Microspikes were helpful from the get go on the mostly snowy-covered trail. About 4 inches of ice covered most of Barclay Lake. Maverick was a little spooked by the creaking ice as we watched Mount Baring emerge from the fog.

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I was surprised to stumble upon a group of 4 camping at one of the larger sites along the shore. I exchanged pleasantries with the only awake camper before continuing up the trail. A bootpath to Eagle Lake picks up at the end of the official trail however a few inches of snow made it hard to find, so we turned North when the trail disappeared then made our way through trees and talus on the East of the main drainage from Stone Lake.

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As we climbed, alpenglow dawned on Baring and Grotto Mountain rose into view, a crescent moon above it. We bushwhacked through snowy brush and over tons of downed trees before finding relief in a few talus fields with just enough snow to allow safe travel for Maverick. Part of Merchant Peak and Mount Townsend poked over the trees before we reached Stone Lake. 2-3 feet of snow covered Paradise Meadow. We crossed dozens of small (rabbit) tracks and several small creeks en route to the North side of Eagle Lake.

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Colin suggested heading for the low saddle between Merchant Peak and Townsend but ideal surface snow and a desire to stay in the sun convinced me to head up slope a bit early. My microspikes lost traction about 500' below the ridge when the snow reduced to a depth of only a few inches atop icy rock. I reached into my bag to switch to crampons and remembered that I had left them on the shoe rack at home. Oh well, we descended a couple hundred feet then traversed West to better surface conditions. Once atop the ridge I took in the views for a moment before heading full speed toward the summit being careful to keep maverick away from overhanging cornices.

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The wind picked up as we neared the top. Maverick waited in the saddle while I made a short snow scramble to the summit. I didn't bother digging for a register before returning to the nearest false summit for lunch. The 360 degree views were far better than I hoped for. After tons of pictures we made our way West down the ridge to the first spot with a rock free path below, then made the slowest glissade ever back to Paradise Meadow.

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We retraced our steps through the snow and dropped back below Stone Lake as Baring's shadow crept up the South face of Mount Townsend. The campers at Barclay Lake had been replaced by another group when we returned past the site.
10.5 miles round trip 4500' elevation gain 11 hours car-to-car

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