I met a few members of the Cascade Grotto while climbing Del Campo Peak off the Mountain Loop Highway last Fall. Having peaked my interest after recently stumbling upon a large signed cave entrance near Snoqualmie Pass, this chance meeting was all the extra motivation I needed to join the grotto. My friend Ben and I attended the next meeting in October where we gained a wealth of information that is otherwise very difficult to find, including the dates of the bat hibernation season which had just begun on October 1st. This and rising snow levels meant it would be close to a 6 month wait before we could go on our first caving adventure.
Flash forward 6 months and Ben, James, and I were on our way to the South side of Mount Saint Helens. We parked at the Trail of Two Forests Trailhead began to weave through meandering footprints in patchy snow, searching for a big hole in the ground. Even with GPS issues we quickly found the entrance about 1000 feet from the parking lot, and began to gear up. It was at least 65 degrees out and my thick layers made me eager to get underground into the cooler air. Our first stop was the "Red Lava Flows" just inside the entrance. My camera is pretty crappy, so hopefully i will upload some pictures James took with his superior equiptment. I really enjoyed the contrast between red rock and sand and polished metallic splatters.
Thanks again James for being our guide!