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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

A week in The Enchantments

I have little time to breathe these days, so for now I will just share the photos from our week in The Enchantments. Details will follow as time allows...

Colin and I made good time up Aasgard pass and after setting up camp we returned to assist Art and Barb with their packs up the last 400' or so. We all made it back to camp just in time to cook a meal before the rain and thunder showed up. We spent most of the first 3 days hiding in our tents, besides a short beta gathering trip up to Enchantment Peak. On day four we set out towards Sherpa Peak, hoping to see the improving weather that was in the forecast. Unfortunately we were turned around just below Colchuck Peak due to more heavy rain.
By Saturday, the weather finally started to turn and we made a late day trip to Cannon Mountain and Temple Lake. On Sunday we got as close as we could to the summit of The Temple (any amount of research would have confirmed that rope would be necessary), and then scrambled up Mclellan Peak. The weather certainly could have been better, but a week off of work in good company is hard to complain about! Hopefully we will be back next year to finish what we started.
Colchuck Lake
Aasgard Pass 20140814_101746 

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