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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Stegosaurus Butte 2-2-2014

I was looking to bring a friend on a shorter summit trip that would allow us to be in Seattle by noon. This short hike is surprisingly popular among NW Hikers likely due to the high visual payoff and low physical cost. As a bonus I would get a look at the new section of the Pratt River Trail, which we left almost as quickly as we met it. On our way through North Bend the fresh snowline on Mount Si was crisp and clear.

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We followed a faint bootpath along the top of the ridge which became more clear as we climbed. About halfway up we were treated to stunning view of Mount Garfield mostly covered in snow. Near the top Mount Bessemer and part of Preacher Mountain appeared.

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A few inches of snow covered the ground starting below the false summit. Rainy creek was roaring below steep cliffs to the south. A bit of sunlight made it through the trees before we headed down. On our way down we found a better path slightly to the south.

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