Where I've Been

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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Lookout Mountain and Mount Clifty 9-22-2013

View Lookout Mountain and Mount Clifty 9-22-2013 in a larger map

The first time I made an attempt on Lookout Mountain and Mount Clifty the weather was similar to today's, and I turned back after only a few miles when my "waterproof" gear failed me. With a fresh nikwax treatment I was feeling much more confident as Colin and I left the gate below Hicks Butte under gray skies. At the junction for Trail 1334, we left road 4510 for Trail 1326.

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Shortly after we passed Trail 1377.2, the rising Sun brought a deep red glow to the clouds and mist over the North Fork Taneum Valley. As we continued along the ridge top, the light pouring in from the east turned orange and then brilliant gold. A heavy wind hit us from the west and Lookout Mountain emerged from the clouds just before we left the trail for the summit.

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At the top we found the most pristine benchmark I've ever seen. Colin dug up a small summit register

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Big Snow Mountain 9-14-2013

View Big Snow Mountain 9-14-2013 in a larger map

The drive from renton was a little rainy, but it let up the I crossed up the Middle Fork Snoqualmie road, which was riddled with potholes as usual. The dingford creek trailhead was about halfway full when I arrived at 3 a.m.

The five and a half miles to Myrtle Lake was a bit of a slog, taking me nearly 2 1/2 hours. The surprisingly high temp of over 60 before sunrise made the 2500' gain a sweaty venture. There is an amazing variety of fungi and shelf along the Dingford Creek Trail. I also encountered several large salamanders sitting in the middle of the trail, all of them seemingly indifferent to my presence.

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Thursday, September 12, 2013

Mount Daniel 9-8-2013

Colin and I pulled into the Tucquala Meadows Trailhead around 8:30 Saturday night with just enough light left to see a gaggle of geese in the marshy lake. A clear starry sky looked promising until light rain began to fall. After dinner and a gear check we crashed out with four hours left before the planned 2 am wakeup call, hopeful for better weather to come.

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We were climbing up the Cathedral Trail by 2:45 and to Peggys Pond before sunrise. After leaving the PCT there are two short cliffy sections where the trail fades into the rock. We topped off on water while the morning light crept over Cathedral Rock.