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Monday, August 5, 2013

Cave Ridge 8-3-2013

I first stumbled upon Cave Ridge after climbing Snoqualmie Mountain about 3 years ago. After some disappointing research and giving up a few times, I met some members of the Cascade Grotto on Del Campo Peak about a year ago and they convinced me to come to a meeting. My buddy Ben and I joined the grotto at that first meeting and have since been getting familiar with cave safety and practicing rope techniques in some lava tubes near Mount Saint Helens and Mount Adams.

Last Saturday the investment paid off big time. I hiked up the grueling 2 miles after work on Friday in a whiteout and set up camp on the summit while the others were doing some night caving. Before passing out Ben took me back to tiny Red Cave for a look at the clean marble and reddish ribbed mineral deposits. It was very strange emerging from a cave into complete darkness.

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I awoke early the next morning above a sea of clouds with the sun rising behind Mount Thomson. We had a blast exploring just a few of the gorgeous caves with James as our group guide. Inside Cascade Cave we were all a bit concerned to find a group wearing foam bicycle helmets and blue jeans. If you are interested in caving in Washington, the Cascade Grotto is a great resource regardless of your experience level, and I highly recommend that you stop by the monthly meeting to see what we are all about!

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Chair Peak Ridge Sunrise
Cave Ridge Sunrise Pano
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1 comment:

CaverGirlofthePNW said...

Awesome photos and trip report! Thanks for sharing!